The Liebster Award is for new bloggers with under 1000 followers and if you’re nominated you have to answer the questions given by the person who nominated you. You then make up 11 questions of your own and tag 11 bloggers to answer those. It's a blogger chain, so you're able to discover new bloggers along the way. I was nominated by PetiteOlive ( Please go and check out her blog, I'm sure you'll love it!
Here are the questions I answered:
1. Why did you start blogging?
I'd wanted to start a blog for a long time before actually doing so but it was getting to the stage of having enough courage to do so. I was becoming quite stressed with college so I wanted to take my mind off it for a little while, so my blog was born.
2. What is your favourite film?
Titanic. Always, always Titanic. I have a huge fascination with it and since watching it for the first time about 6 years ago have read a lot and watched so many videos about the Science of how it happened, it's really interesting you know!
3. If you could live someone else's life for one day, who would you be?
The fangirl inside of me is telling me to say Harry Styles or Niall Horan purely because they discuss what it is like being 'famous' and the reality of it and I'd just really like to see that for myself.
4. What three things can't you live without?
Instinct says Food, Shelter and Water but personally it would be Music, Security and Happiness.
5. What is your favourite animal?
Panda, they're just too cute!
6. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
The Grand Canyon, Arizona. If you've read some of my previous blog posts you'll know that I've went there last year on a Geography trip but oh my, what I'd do to go back. It was incredible, I know you'd hear people say 'you don't realise how big it is until you see it for yourself' but even when I saw it I was unable to fathom just how big it was. It's truly breathtaking.
7. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
The community that comes along with it. I started blogging mid January so I have an extremely small following but I love that I'm on Twitter and able to support other bloggers and vice versa. It's also a great diary in a way and just somewhere to focus on when you're feeling a bit shitty if I'm honest.
8. If you were only allowed to eat one same meal, everyday for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Sausages, Mashed Potato and Green Beans with English Mustard. It's my favourite!
9. Whats your favourite makeup brand?
Rimmel. It's a high street brand so is affordable plus it's really good quality too.
10. Who is your inspiration?
My sisters. I have 2 older sisters who have been through what I'm going through now with college and gone off to University and so they are able to relate to the experiences that I'm having and they're really understanding too.
11. Tea or Coffee?
Tea, although I prefer Lady Grey tea to regular tea. I'm not a huge fan of coffee unless it's in a frappucino or its with a hell of a lot of milk.
I nominate:
Samantha Rose
(these are the blogs that I read that haven't already been nominated, I open this will help me see new blogs that I didn't already know of.)
Here are your questions:
1.What inspired you to begin blogging?
2.What is your favourite meal?
3.What TV Shows are you currently watching?
4.What is your holy grail beauty product?
5.What is your most used social media platform?
6. What is your go to lazy day outfit?
7.Do you prefer sunsets or sunrises?
8. What’s your favourite month?
9.Pasta or Pizza?
10.Are you an early riser or a night owl?
11.What are you goals for your blog?
Good Luck!
Lily xo
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